06/10/2020 | XING

XING passes 18-million­-member mark in Germany, Austria and Switzer­land

Hamburg, 10 June 2020 – XING continues to consolidate its position as the largest online business network in German-speaking countries with more than 18 million members now registered on and using XING in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
XING’s success is indicative of its importance amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Against this backdrop, three clear needs have emerged among employees:

Connecting with people online 
Around 72 per cent of XING members in German-speaking countries have been working from home since the start of May (source: Corona Barometer). Along with other restrictions such as social distancing, this has led to a fundamental shift in working patterns as employees go online to continue their work. XING members can stay in touch with their colleagues, clients and partners, discuss their favourite topics in groups, and continue growing their contact network. At the height of the coronavirus pandemic, XING gave its members free access to a number of key Premium features. 
Another innovative approach saw the creation of a XING group called ‘Mitarbeitertausch by XING’ (employee exchange by XING) where companies with urgent staffing needs were able to connect with companies forced to furlough their employees. 

Curating news and ‘Corona-Hacks’ 
The coronavirus pandemic led to an increase in demand for curated information, along with ideas and suggestions for the world of work. To meet this demand, XING delivers a wide variety of news feeds and publishes content on specific topics. 
In addition, over 400 experts publish articles on a daily basis to guide XING members throughout the turbulent times caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The XING News editorial team curates the best articles, ideas, suggestions and exercises, and serves them to members in the ‘Corona-Hacks’ section. 

Training and attending events online 
Until recently, the restrictions imposed amid the coronavirus pandemic meant that in-person training courses and events were out of the question, yet demand for ongoing learning continued to soar nonetheless. 
Many people turned to online training courses as a way of overcoming this hurdle while working from home and weighing up their future career options. To help with this, XING created an e-learning section that offers a multitude of different courses and webinars to choose from. This new e-learning section is available to every XING Premium member. 
‘Stay at home, meet online’ is the motto for the XING Events campaign also running under the hashtag #zuhauseaufXING. Here, the aim was to encourage people to organise and attend live events online.

XING also rolled out several other initiatives to help people with their working life. 

The #WirHelfenFreelancern campaign was launched together with HalloFreelancer to provide stricken freelancers with much-needed assistance. The campaign involved companies buying vouchers for freelancer services to be redeemed at a later time when things pick up again.

XING’s largest segment in terms of revenue, XING E-Recruiting, also offered welcome assistance by giving free job ads to essential medical institutions desperately looking to hire new staff. On top of that, the XING TalentpoolManager has been made available free of charge for the duration of the pandemic, while XING E-Recruiting 360° customers can take advantage of webinars, online training courses and individual consultations.


About XING
XING is the leading online business network in German-speaking countries, helping 18 million members to work in line with their needs, preferences and circumstances. Professionals from every industry meet up on XING to look for jobs and seek out inspiration surrounding the latest career trends. XING’s broad news portfolio serves the latest articles and views, with the platform providing ample opportunity for networking and discussion on www.xing.com.

The NEW WORK SE Group builds upon the XING SE success story by offering brands, products and services that foster a more fulfilling world of work. Founded by Lars Hinrichs as the OpenBC professional network, the company was renamed XING in 2006. In 2019, the company was renamed again to New Work SE as a reflection of its commitment to a better working world and to bring all of its business activities under the umbrella of New Work. The company has been listed on the stock exchange since 2006. NEW WORK SE is a central leadership and management holding, serving as a service department for its subsidiaries. The Group is headquartered in Hamburg and currently employs 1,900 people at offices including Munich, Vienna and Porto. Visit https://new-work.se and https://nwx.new-work.se/ for more information.

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